Ollie Cross embarks on a thrilling journey as a paramedic on the NYC night shift, where every 911 call presents a potential life-or-death scenario. Teamed up with the seasoned Gene Rutkovsky, Ollie confronts the intense reality of their profession, braving perilous situations to provide aid to those in crisis. Their partnership embodies the essence of courage and camaraderie, showcasing the unyielding dedication of emergency responders in the urban jungle. Follow Flixtor HD Movies for more.
Asphalt City Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Asphalt City (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Drama, Thriller
Director: Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire
Writer: Ben Mac Brown, Shannon Burke, Ryan King
Stars: Sean Penn, Tye Sheridan, Gbenga Akinnagbe