
The Wrath of Becky (2023)

A dark comedy unfolds as we meet Becky, an ordinary and calm woman who faces a string of funny and unfortunate events that push her to her limits. Tired of being mistreated and disrespected, she finally decides she’s had enough. Embracing her inner anger, Becky takes matters into her own hands and goes on a vengeful spree against those who wronged her, leading to hilarious chaos. As her revenge plots get more and more outrageous, the audience and the police are left puzzled. The movie is a wild and thrilling ride, showing the surprising consequences of underestimating someone’s fury.

The Wrath of Becky Movie Online Free Streaming

Title: The Wrath of Becky (2023)
Genres: 2023 Movies | Action, Horror, Thriller
Director: Matt Angel, Suzanne Coote
Writer: Matt Angel, Suzanne Coote, Nick Morris
Stars: Lulu Wilson, Seann William Scott, Denise Burse